Our History

Relationship with CBC

The Association has been in existence since early 1985. From its inception it had enjoyed a privileged relationship with the CBC. The CBC paid for all expenses related to the operations of the National Committee of the Association made up of members from various regions, appointed normally by Twenty-year Associations or in Montréal’s situation by the Montréal Pensioners Association.

In 2000, in order to respond to the needs of the pensioners for better attention to their interests and concerns and to deal with the difficulties of the CBC in continuing to fund the activities of the Association, steps were taken by the Association to wean itself from its relationship with the CBC as it existed at the time. The CBC supported this action by funding special newsletters and mailings to enrol members in a self-sustained and renewed Association. This led to the Montréal convention on June 10 and 11 which approved a new constitution and by-laws.

Administration and Membership

The Association is administered by a National Board of Directors composed of a President, a Vice-President (Anglophone), a Vice-President (Francophone), a Treasurer and Representatives from regions. Click here to learn more about your team.

Membership in the Association is not automatic upon retirement. You must apply either through this site under ‘Join Us’ or by contacting the National Association by e-mail info@cbcpensioners.ca or telephone at 1-877 361-9242.

Currently more than 55% of CBC pensioners are members of the Association and the membership is growing every month.

While membership is voluntary, all CBC pensioners benefit from the representations made by the Association concerning Insurance and Pension Benefit issues. A prime example of such is the 2001, 2021 and 2022 refund to pensioners from the actuarial surplus of the CBC Pension Fund. This was achieved through the hard work of the Association in convincing both the Unions and the CBC that this was the fairest method to ensure that pensioners received their just share of the surplus.

To learn more about what the CBC PNA has done to help CBC pensioners, please click here.