2021 Highlights and 2021 Annual Report of the CBC Pension Plan

Dear CBC Pension Plan Member,

The CBC Pension Board of Trustees has released the 2021 Highlights and the 2021 Annual Report of the CBC Pension Plan (the Plan). The Highlights provide a brief overview of the Plan’s Financial and Membership statistics for the 2021 fiscal year. The Annual Report provides members with a full review of the Plan’s 2021 results and the audited financial statements.  These reports are available under the Publications/Annual Reports section of the website.  Additional summary information about the Plan can be found under the Fund Overview and Interesting Facts section of the website.

If you wish to receive a paper copy of the 2021 Annual Report please email us with your name and address and we will be happy to send you a copy.  A copy of the Highlights will be included with the 2021 pension statements.

The Pension Board provides members ongoing updates throughout the year with the publication of a quarterly Communiqué.  We invite you to take a look.

If you have questions related to your pension payments, we invite you to go to the Retirees and Survivors page of our website for contact information.


CBC Pension Board of Trustees
