Category: National


Frequently Asked Questions on the Memorandum of Agreement (updated December 18, 2023)

Memorandum of Agreement relating to surplus sharing under the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Pension Plan and to cost management under the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Supplementary Health Care Plan Q:  What is the arbitration decision on the 2009 benefits and pension agreement about? A: In 2019, the Corporation said it was unilaterally terminating the Memorandum of Agreement […]

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Consent forms to permit the sharing of the CBC pension surplus are being sent out in the mail starting today. After further discussion with the CBC, there will now also be an option to receive and send your consent electronically. Pensioners will now be able to go to their “My Pension Statement” section of the […]

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Pension Surplus Update – Consent Forms – November 8, 2023

In the next couple of weeks CBC Pensioners will receive details for the planned distribution of pension surplus.  The package contains several pages of details including a consent form that you will be asked to return by December 8, 2023. We strongly urge you to read the document and return the consent form as quickly […]

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Pension Surplus Update – October 10, 2023

Work is continuing towards implementation of the payout of the pension plan surplus. We had hoped that payouts would be made before the end of this year but recent developments have left that in doubt. We have been notified by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI), the federal body that regulates pension […]

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Surplus Payout Update – September 22, 2023

Update from the CBC Work is continuing on completing the calculations necessary for a payout of pension surplus to retirees and employees. However, we are still awaiting the approval of distribution of funds from the pension regulator. The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) oversees the security of pensions and plays a critical role in […]

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