We Are Looking Out for All of Our Members

The PNA adopted a new motto in 2019 “Preserving our Future, Sharing Our Past” and now it is more apt than ever.  We are the CBC Pensioners National Association representing the pension plan members’ collective voice and we do make a difference.  The Covid-19 outbreak has not slowed us down just changed how we operate.

A Few Differences

  • There will be no more face-to-face meetings for any of our members until it’s safe.
  • We have moved our National board meeting to October.
  • Nothing else, we are still on the job.

We are looking out for our members 

  • Our main goal is to reassure everyone and to keep all safe.
  • The National Office and our Board members across the country are available to answer any questions you might have.
  • We will continue to communicate with you as the issues arise.

Our Pension Plan

  • Well-managed plans like ours are driven by long term strategies not short-term issues.
  • Most importantly, we have a Defined Benefit This means you are guaranteed of your pension cheque every month, regardless of how the fund performs.
  • Further details about the Pension Plan will be issued shortly from our National Office.

There are many services available to you

  • Our National Office remains open. 1-877-361-9242 or info@cbcpensioners.ca
  • Visit our new website for up to date news cbcpensioners.ca or to get the contact info for your local board members.
  • The EAP provides confidential information and professional advice free of charge! 1-866-838-2025 for service in English, 1 866 839-7897 for service in French 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Stay Safe and Stay Connected